Becoming a member of the New York Association of Business Brokers is a great way to gain exposure, network, and grow your company.  By joining NYABB, you will be listed on the official NYABB website which experiences significant daily traffic.  Links from your NYABB profile back to your website provide great SEO and drive traffic to your site.

NYABB holds monthly networking breakfasts which are a great venue to network and meet other brokers, CPAs, attorneys, commercial realtors, lenders, etc.  The yearly NYABB conference is an excellent event which features educational programs and superb networking opportunities.

Become a NYABB member today!

Membership is subject to approval and is limited to those actually involved in Business Brokerage and Affiliates who actively support the Business Brokerage profession (such as Attorneys, CPA’s, Financial Planners, Bankers, Non-Bank Lenders, Insurance Professionals and Business Consultants).

As an active member of this association, the applicant agrees to abide by the Code of Ethics, will conduct business in an ethical and professional manner, and cooperate with fellow members as appropriate.

Complete the Membership Form below. Membership payment is accepted online only.

Member Benefits:

  • Member support and sounding board
  • Monthly NYABB Meeting
  • Member profile on NYABB website - a way to be found as a credible broker or service provider in today’s marketplace
  • Business for sale listings on NYABB website (unlimited)
  • NYABB LinkedIn Group
  • New list serv for notification of fellow members about a new listing and co-brokering opportunity
  • Coming soon: Course offerings with special discount for NYABB members
  • Monthly newsletter with member contribution section for articles or topics of interest
  • Regional networking with cross-chapter members
  • Member discount to the NYABB Conference in the fall including top speakers, presentations, roundtable discussion and opportunity to meet with industry sponsors
  • Member dashboard for past webinars
  • Exclusive postings of personal member interviews on the NYABB site
  • Program to have traffic brought to the NYABB site for anyone seeing a business sale or exit and need the assistance of a business advisor, broker, intermediary or service company
  • Exclusive inter-chapter meetings
  • New Jersey and Connecticut exposure with the tri-state organization

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.